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The VGGish feature extraction relies on the PyTorch implementation by harritaylor built to replicate the procedure provided in the TensorFlow repository. The difference in values between the PyTorch and Tensorflow implementation is negligible (see also # difference in values).

The VGGish model was pre-trained on AudioSet. The extracted features are from pre-classification layer after activation. The feature tensor will be 128-d and correspond to 0.96 sec of the original video. Interestingly, this might be represented as 24 frames of a 25 fps video. Therefore, you should expect Ta x 128 features, where Ta = duration / 0.96.

The extraction of VGGish features is implemeted as a wrapper of the TensorFlow implementation. See Credits.

Set up the Environment for VGGish

Setup conda environment. Requirements are in file conda_env.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'video_features' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env.yml

Quick Start

Open In Colab

Activate the environment

conda activate video_features

and extract features from the ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4 video

python \
    feature_type=vggish \

Supported Arguments

device "cuda:0" The device specification. It follows the PyTorch style. Use "cuda:3" for the 4th GPU on the machine or "cpu" for CPU-only.
video_paths null A list of videos for feature extraction. E.g. "[./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4, ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4]" or just one path "./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4".
file_with_video_paths null A path to a text file with video paths (one path per line). Hint: given a folder ./dataset with .mp4 files one could use: find ./dataset -name "*mp4" > ./video_paths.txt.
on_extraction print If print, the features are printed to the terminal. If save_numpy or save_pickle, the features are saved to either .npy file or .pkl.
output_path "./output" A path to a folder for storing the extracted features (if on_extraction is either save_numpy or save_pickle).
keep_tmp_files false If true, the reencoded videos will be kept in tmp_path.
tmp_path "./tmp" A path to a folder for storing temporal files (e.g. reencoded videos).


The video paths can be specified as a .txt file with paths.

python \
    feature_type=vggish \
    device="cuda:0" \

The features can be saved as numpy arrays by specifying --on_extraction save_numpy or save_pickle. By default, it will create a folder ./output and will store features there (you can change the output folder using --output_path)

python \
    feature_type=vggish \
    device="cuda:0" \
    on_extraction=save_numpy \
    video_paths="[./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4, ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4]"

Difference between TensorFlow and PyTorch implementations

VGGish was originally implemented in TensorFlow. We use the PyTorch implementation by harritaylor/torchvggish The difference in values between the PyTorch and Tensorflow implementation is negligible. However, after updating the versions of the dependencies, the values are slightly different. If you wish to use the old implementation, you can use the conda environment at the b21f330 commit or earlier. The following table shows the difference in values.

python \
    feature_type=vggish \

Original (./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4):
[[0.         0.04247099 0.09079538 ... 0.         0.18485409 0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.         ... 0.         0.5720243  0.5475726 ]
 [0.         0.00705254 0.15173683 ... 0.         0.33540994 0.10572422]
 [0.         0.         0.36020872 ... 0.         0.08559107 0.00870359]
 [0.         0.21485361 0.16507196 ... 0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.31638345 0.         ... 0.         0.         0.        ]]
max: 2.31246495; mean: 0.13741589; min: 0.00000000

b21f330 and ealier (./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4):
[[0.         0.04247095 0.09079528 ... 0.         0.18485469 0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.         ... 0.         0.5720252  0.5475726 ]
 [0.         0.0070536  0.1517372  ... 0.         0.33541012 0.10572463]
 [0.         0.         0.36020786 ... 0.         0.08559084 0.00870359]
 [0.         0.21485506 0.16507116 ... 0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.31638315 0.         ... 0.         0.         0.        ]]
max: 2.31246495; mean: 0.13741589; min: 0.00000000

Current (./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4):
[[0.         0.0752698  0.12985817 ... 0.         0.18340725 0.00647891]
 [0.         0.         0.         ... 0.         0.5479691  0.6105871 ]
 [0.         0.03563304 0.1507446  ... 0.         0.20983526 0.15856776]
 [0.         0.         0.3077196  ... 0.         0.08271158 0.03223182]
 [0.         0.15476668 0.25240228 ... 0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.3711498  0.         ... 0.         0.         0.        ]]
max: 2.41924119; mean: 0.13830526; min: 0.00000000


  1. The PyTorch implementation of vggish.
  2. The VGGish paper: CNN Architectures for Large-Scale Audio Classification.


The wrapping code is under MIT but the vggish implementation complies with the harritaylor/torchvggish (same as tensorflow) license which is Apache-2.0.